Ringkasan Pekerjaan (Job Purpose)
Tracking and control all permits and licenses management related to PTVI business processes and operation activities related air & water aspects. The role should able to analize those permit requirements with long term view to ensure company’s permit & licsense compliance both current operational and future projects.
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab (Task & Responsibility) :
- Monitoring end-to-end permits and licenses management related to administration documents, registration, verification and submission of permit obtained on the Compliance Information System (CIS) dashboard to provide visualization updates for all permit owners regarding air and water permit.
- Coordinating with department representatives regulary to update permit and license status in order to prepare all requirements to accommodate permit extension which required to mitigate permit expired.
- Coordinating all requirements and obligations of each permit and license with all custodian and owners in order to fulfill regulation compliance to guarantee company license to operate.
- Soscialization of new permit or regulation to all custodians and to get same understanding and knowledge related to company business process/continuity to mitigate non compliance of license to operate on the current business process.
- Gathering data and operational impact related to any strategic permit and compliance issues to the custodian and owner to accommodate company needs before presented by Manager or Advisor of Permit & Licence to the government.
- Socialization of new procedures, compliance policy and government regulations regarding air and water to assist organization to be fully in compliance and avoid any surprise which may interrupt company business operation and legal sanctions. Develop procedures and its update refer to Vale global compliance policy and government regulations to assist organization to be fully in compliance and avoid any surprise which may interrupt company business operation and legal sanctions
Persyaratan (Qualification) :
Umum :
- Sehat jasmani & rohani, dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari Rumah Sakit.
- Memiliki keinginan bekerja yang tinggi, berdedikasi, dapat bekerjasama secara individual dan tim, aktif, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Luwu Timur.
- Tidak memiliki catatan kriminal, dibuktikan dengan SKCK dari kepolisian.
- Sudah melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama, dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat atau Surat Keterangan Vaksinasi Covid-19 dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
Khusus :
- Undergraduate degree (S1) from Environmental, Engineering, Science, Law, Forestry, Economy and Social.
- 3 years experience in working in infrastructure, mining or heavy industry plant is preferable.
- Specify Certification : POP, PPKH, &/ Tersus, &/ Pertek dan Perling, &/ standarisasi API 653
- Skill :
- Enterprise Risk Assessment,
- Strong understanding of regulations and permit conditions,
- AMDAL, RKL-RPL, Permit & Licsense Management,
- Mastering in report, presentation and writing skills,
- Mastering legal compliance management and database (system).
- Understand project management skills for developing and implementing,
- Strong analysis skills on regulation requirements for all related aspecs
- Possess good communication and negotiation skills
- Possess english communication skill in both written and spoken.
Berkas lamaran dikirim dengan menyertakan :
- Surat lamaran.
- Curicculum Vitae (CV).
- Fotocopy KTP 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy KK 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy ijazah sesuai dengan persyaratan 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy transkrip nilai 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy sertifikat kompetensi/keahlian/training sesuai dengan persyaratan 1
- Pas Foto 3×4 2 lembar.
- Fotocopy SKCK 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy A-K1 lembar.
- Fotocopy sertifikat terkait pengalaman kerja dan kursus/pelatihan 1 lembar.
Sertifikat Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
Lamaran ditujukan ke :
PT. Harapan Sejahtera Utama
Jl. Pattimura II F.303 Magani, Nuha, Luwu Timur, 92984
0475 321 644
E-Mail : hrd@pthsu.co.id
Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 5 Agustus 2024. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti proses selanjutnya |
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