PT. Harapan Sejahtera Utama (HSU)



Ringkasan Pekerjaan (Job Purpose)

  1. Responsible for developing and monitoring of Growth project schedule and cost. Providing support to Manager Project Services and Project Manager in managing IGP Projects JV and Mine to ensure schedule and cost are properly done and its procedures are followed.
  2. Plan, create, maintain and evaluate project schedule including schedule baseline, update actual and forecast, schedule variance analysis and mitigation, critical path analysis, Earn Value Management, project changes analysis related to schedule
  3. Develop and control owner’s cost
  4. Prepare progress status report and cost report


Tugas & Tanggung Jawab (Task & Responsibility) :

  1. Develop project schedules baseline and monitor progress against the agreed schedule and advise Project Manager for any variances.
  2. Developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective scheduling management system.
  3. Determination of status and updating of record of actual project schedule progress relative to the planned project execution baseline, to enable the Project Manager to develop an accurate project completion forecast.
  4. Reconcile the physical progress of growth projects milestones against project plans and update the progress impacts in all corresponding reports such as Weekly report and Monthly Report.
  5. Identify the critical path of the overall capital and operating project plan, and the impact to the physical and expenditure performance and provide day to day problem solving interm of maintain planned work on track.
  6. Provide valuable sources of information for improving the project and any lesson shared.
  7. Effectively liase with Project Manager, discipline leads, project engineers and support staff as
  8. Documenting project scheduling processes and maintaining records
  9. Manage the preparation and analysis of timely and accurate cost report (budget, forecast and actual), estimating project budget, basic scheduling and control overall project goals.
  10. Prepare and maintain budget and schedule for assigned project execution to meets with the agreed budget and schedule as per required by company.
  11. Analyze and review project cost to ensure all cost and schedule are captured and re-billed to client/ vendor.
  12. Ensure compliance to all safety procedures, standards, and policies in the area.
  13. Responsible for own safety and report any unsafe conditions, incidents, and accidents to the


Persyaratan (Qualification) :

  1. Umum :
    1. Sehat jasmani & rohani, dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari Rumah Sakit.
    2. Memiliki keinginan bekerja yang tinggi, berdedikasi, dapat bekerjasama secara individual dan tim, aktif, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
    3. Memiliki KTP dan berdomisili di Luwu Timur
    4. Tidak memiliki catatan kriminal, dibuktikan dengan SKCK dari kepolisian.
    5. Sudah melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama, dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat atau Surat Keterangan Vaksinasi Covid-19 dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.


  1. Khusus :
    1. S1 Teknik semua jurusan, atau jurusan bidang IT
    2. 18 Months experience in related field
    3. Specify Certification : Able to operate Primavera (Mandatory).
    4. Skill :
      • Knoledgeable in Project Management systems and Principles.
      • Knowledgeable of multidiscipline engineering design knowledge civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation (SPE, PNR, NORMS)
      • Knowledgable on construction project activities
      • Knowledgeable on procurement
      • Knowledgeable in project tool and document management software: Primavera, MS Project & MS Office


Berkas lamaran dikirim dengan menyertakan :

  1. Surat lamaran.
  2. Curicculum Vitae (CV).
  3. Fotocopy KTP 1 lembar.
  4. Fotocopy KK 1 lembar.
  5. Fotocopy ijazah sesuai dengan persyaratan 1 lembar.
  6. Fotocopy transkrip nilai 1 lembar.
  7. Fotocopy sertifikat kompetensi/keahlian/training sesuai dengan persyaratan 1
  8. Pas Foto 3×4 2 lembar.
  9. Fotocopy SKCK 1 lembar.
  10. Fotocopy A-K1 lembar.
  11. Fotocopy sertifikat terkait pengalaman kerja dan kursus/pelatihan 1 lembar.

Sertifikat Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.



Lamaran ditujukan ke :                                     


  • PT. Harapan Sejahtera Utama

Jl. Pattimura II F.303 Magani, Nuha, Luwu Timur


0475 321 644


E-Mail :

Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 28 Juli 2024.

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    Hubungi kami di:

    Jl. Pattimura F. 303 Sorowako

    (0475) 321 644