Ringkasan Pekerjaan (Job Purpose) :
Responsible to conduct the handover of Construction, Installation, and Spare Purchase Project from the Capital Project to the Sponsor with a good quality of deliverables, meets company standards, National & Internaitonal codes & standards, start from design phase, construction phase , and handover of the project.
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab (Task & Responsibility) :
- Comply with all PTVI EHS procedures, standards and policies in Capital Project and Operating project area.
- Conduct the Handover of Construction, Installation, and Spare Purchase Project from the Capital Project Team to the Sponsor Team, ensuring that all requirements for the operation and maintenance of new equipment or facilities are complete.
- Coordinate with Engineers and vendor teams to obtain documents such as Datasheets, Technical Drawings, Spare Parts lists, and Operation and Maintenance Manuals (IOM) for the installed equipment.
- Collaborate with Engineers and Designers to acquire As-Built Drawings for projects that have completed the construction phase.
- Coordinate with the QC team and Engineers to ensure that QC documents during construction are accurate and complete.
- Verify the completeness and accuracy of QC documents from manufacturers, including Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and Site Acceptence Test ( SAT ) documents, Inspection and Test Plans (ITP), QC Reports, and Packing Reports.
- Create Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents for Operation and Maintenance for new facilities or equipment installations based on vendor information, ensuring that the SOP documents align with the actual field conditions and prioritize safety in work.
- Develop Draft Maintenance Schedule Task (MST) documents for new facilities/equipment, adjusting MSTs to match the actual on-site conditions and coordinating with the Vendor and reliability team.
- Develop Draft Addition, Deletion, Revision (ADR) documents for new facilities/equipment, ensuring that ADR documents accurately reflect the actual status of facilities/equipment in the field.
- Create or assist in creating Commissioning Procedures by coordinating with engineers, vendors, operation & maintenance area.
- Take responsibility for organizing Commissioning activities, coordinating with the Operation, Maintenance, Engineering, and Vendor teams regarding timing and event sequence.
- Conduct training activities for new facilities/equipment, in close coordination with engineers, vendors, and the Operation and Maintenance teams.
- Demonstrate the ability to plan or map out Operation and Maintenance requirements for integrating new equipment or systems.
- Document the Cold-Commissioning and Hot-Commissioning processes.
- Document Punch lists during construction and Commissioning, coordinating closely with the Project Manager, Engineers, and execution teams to ensure the resolution of all Punchlist items.
- Able to read and understand technical document written in English.
- Cooperatively work with project team with communicating ideas effectively.
Persyaratan (Qualification) :
- Umum :
- Sehat jasmani & rohani, dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari Rumah Sakit.
- Memiliki keinginan bekerja yang tinggi, berdedikasi, dapat bekerjasama secara individual dan tim, aktif, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
- Memiliki KTP & Berdomisili di Luwu Timur.
- Tidak memiliki catatan kriminal, dibuktikan dengan SKCK dari kepolisian.
- Sudah melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama, dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat atau Surat Keterangan Vaksinasi Covid-19 dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
- Khusus :
- Diploma or degree Engineering (civil, mesin, industri dan electro) from reputable University in relevant discipline Experience.
- 2 years construction experiences in construction work. Previous experience in mechanical and electrical disciplines is preferred.
- Having experience in electrical engineering and project management in construction project.
- Having experiences as project team member in Mining Industry is preferrable.
- Skill and Knowledge :
- Knowledgeable of safety regulation and standards (minimum KEPMEN ESDM 1827/2018, SMKP PTVI MHS/RAC and EHS Standard).
- Knowledgeable in basic safety requirements in construction project activities.
- Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office software, i.e: MS Word, Excel, Power.Point, Outlook and Teams.
Berkas lamaran dikirim dengan menyertakan :
- Surat lamaran.
- Curicculum Vitae (CV).
- Fotocopy KTP 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy KK 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy ijazah sesuai dengan persyaratan 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy transkrip nilai 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy sertifikat kompetensi/keahlian/training sesuai dengan persyaratan 1
- Pas Foto 3×4 2 lembar.
- Fotocopy SKCK 1 lembar.
- Fotocopy A-K1 lembar.
- Fotocopy sertifikat terkait pengalaman kerja dan kursus/pelatihan 1 lembar.
- Sertifikat Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
Lamaran ditujukan ke :
- PT. Harapan Sejahtera Utama
Jl. Pattimura II F.303 Magani, Nuha, Luwu Timur
0475 321 644
E-Mail : PT_HSU@hotmail.com
Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 01 Mei 2024. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti proses selanjutnya |