PT. Harapan Sejahtera Utama (HSU)



Ringkasan Pekerjaan (Job Purpose) :

Conduct automation technical supports, automation studies, and automation projects across Process Plant department to solve problems, to sustain performance, or to realize improvement initiatives in safe, time-efficient, cost-efficient, workforce-effective, target-oriented, and qualityoriented manners.


Tugas & Tanggung Jawab (Task & Responsibility) :


  1. Do automation technical supports for Process Plant Operation Groups, Process Plant Maintenance Groups, Process Plant Engineering Group, and Capital Project Management Group to solve problems and to sustain performance in safe, time-efficient, cost-efficient, workforce-effective, target-oriented, and quality-oriented manners.
  2. Act as project automation design engineer for automation projects to execute these automation projects with referring to PTVI project delivery system.
  3. Involved in project/task during project execution phase (construction, commissioning and startup). And to ensure all of activities in project execution phase are executed as standard procedure.
  4. Involved in process safety assessment required by project/task such as Risk Asessment, HAZOP, JSA, SWP, HIRA, LOPA and etc.
  5. Update PTVI Process Plant OT documents to keep those documentations up-to-date, and Execute Vale Global OT standards implementation on PTVI Process Plant OT standards to realize the results of colaboration with Vale Global OT Team.
  6. Execute automation section’s annual safety program in his / her work to prevent incident / accident from happening and to achieve compliance with safety effectiveness / improvement program of Process Plant Department.
  7. Execute automation section’s annual personnel development program assigned to him / her to achieve automation personnel competencies and to support career and succession plans and to keep personal automation technical expertise up-to-date to be able to technically perform his / her works and to be able to properly give the automation technical support for Process Plant management.



Persyaratan (Qualification) :

  • Umum :


  1. Sehat jasmani & rohani, dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari Rumah Sakit.
  2. Memiliki keinginan bekerja yang tinggi, berdedikasi, dapat bekerjasama secara individual dan tim, aktif, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
  3. Memiliki KTP & Berdomisili di Luwu Timur.
  4. Tidak memiliki catatan kriminal, dibuktikan dengan SKCK dari kepolisian.
  5. Sudah melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama, dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat atau Surat Keterangan Vaksinasi Covid-19 dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.



  • Khusus :


  1. S1 Elektro – Control System / Teknik Kendali.
  2. Specific Certification (preferred) :
    1. Insinyur Profesional (IP) from PII.
    2. Pengawas Operational Pertama (POP).
    3. ISA-Certified Automation Profesional Certification (CAP).
  3. Min 3-4 years work experience in control system.
  4. Specific Required skills :
    1. Familiar with PLC system, especially PLC AB & Siemens.
    2. Familiar with HMI system, especially FactoryTalk View SE & Wonderware.
    3. Familiar with Automation control system conceptual design.
    4. Familiar with Field device network system.
    5. Familiar with Field instrument devices.
  5. Can hold a conversation in English.
  6. Have Presentation & Reporting skills.


Berkas lamaran dikirim dengan menyertakan :

  1. Surat lamaran.
  2. Curicculum Vitae (CV).
  3. Fotocopy KTP 1 lembar.
  4. Fotocopy KK 1 lembar.
  5. Fotocopy ijazah sesuai dengan persyaratan 1 lembar.
  6. Fotocopy transkrip nilai 1 lembar.
  7. Fotocopy sertifikat kompetensi/keahlian/training sesuai dengan persyaratan 1
  8. Pas Foto 3×4 2 lembar.
  9. Fotocopy SKCK 1 lembar.
  10. Fotocopy A-K1 lembar.
  11. Fotocopy sertifikat terkait pengalaman kerja dan kursus/pelatihan 1 lembar.
  12. Sertifikat Vaksinasi Covid-19 minimal yang pertama dari aplikasi Peduli Lindungi Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.



Lamaran ditujukan ke :                                     

  • PT. Harapan Sejahtera Utama

Jl. Pattimura II F.303 Magani, Nuha, Luwu Timur


0475 321 644


E-Mail :


Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 22 April 2024.

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti proses selanjutnya






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Hubungi kami di:

Jl. Pattimura F. 303 Sorowako

(0475) 321 644